Expenses like marketing materials and gas mileage aren’t the only ones business owners need to be worried about. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the Building Sector consumes nearly half (47.6%) of all energy produced in the United States. The EIA also reports that nearly seventy-five percent (74.9%) of all the electricity produced in the U.S. is consumed by commercial building operations.

Much of this energy is spent simply regulating the temperature of the building, which is why it’s important to choose the right industrial cooling system for your needs.

Multistage Evaporative Cooling System

As the name suggests, evaporative cooling systems chill the air by harnessing through water evaporation. The Multistage Evaporative Cooling system was the first patented system in the Natural Cycle Energy technology portfolio. This system doesn’t have compressors or refrigerants, yet it utilizes 60 to 80 percent less energy than traditional refrigeration systems. Additionally, our evaporative cooling system offers up to an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions because it uses less energy from dirty power plants.

Turbine Inlet Air Cooling System

Air cooling systems are very traditional. They reduce air temperature directly through refrigeration and dissipate the heat to another location. While they’re cost effective, these systems are the least efficient. Natural Cycle energy’s turbine inlet air cooling system operates at costs comparable to mechanical refrigeration systems, while using 60 to 85 percent less power.

Water Cooling System

In addition to evaporative cooling, water can be incorporated into the cooling process in another way. Water cooling systems often use closed loop systems to transfer heat from the air and remove it from the building, although they may also utilize cooling towers. Unfortunately, this system only offers medium efficiency in comparison to others, and isn’t possible in all commercial buildings.

Natural Cycle Energy specializes in the most energy efficient industrial cooling systems on the market. Contact us to learn more about our proprietary options.